Families of Ocean Ward

Families of Ocean Ward are a registered charity (1145013) and was formed by volunteer parents of children with cardiac disease who rely on the services provided by Ocean Ward and it's team of specialist and dedicated staff.

They have strong links with the ward and have a representative involved in strategic planning and decision making.

Their mission is to provide emotional and financial support to the families making use of the facilities on Ocean Ward.

They hold regular coffee mornings/information evenings at various venues to enable families to meet others and to gain support.

A large portion of their funds are used to assist families during long stays on Ocean Ward by way of a hardship payment. They also purchase and replenish toys, TV's, laptops (with internet access), games consoles and DVDs.

Where needed they are also able to purchase essential equipment to assist families caring for their child at home.

Contact Information:
Families of Ocean Ward
PO Box 463
SO31 0DA

