Wessex Heartbeat was established in 1992 and is one of the region's major charities. They exist to support the work of the Wessex Cardiac Centre (WCC), one of the UK's leading heart treatment centres.
Since 1992, Wessex Heartbeat has raised over £13m which they have used to help ensure that the best possible care is provided to more than 20,000 patients treated at the centre each year.
WCC completely refurbished the Children's Cardiac Ward at a cost of £1.1million.
In 1995, Wessex Heartbeat were proud to be able to start offering accommodation to relatives of patients undergoing treatment at WCC. This happened in the form of Rotary Heartbeat House. The house was built with funds from Wessex Heartbeat and substantial contributions from Rotary International Clubs within the Wessex region. The house is a 2 minute walk from the hospital and there is no charge for rooms for as long as their loved one remains on the cardiac wards. There is a wonderful kitchen area where guests are given their own cupboard and fridge space and there is also a laundry facility.
Bookings have always been on a first come, first serve basis, once the patient has been admitted to the centre. Demand was always high; so much so that the house was extended and reopened in 2006, There is a total of 25 bedrooms which includes a specially equipped wing (Ronald McDonald House) for parents of children who are patients on Ocean Ward.
Contact Information:
PO Box 270
Southampton General Hospital
SO16 6GE
02380 706 095
02380 706 099