Ethan's Gift

Ethan was born weighing just 4lb 5oz and had feeding issues so was transferred to the hospital's special care baby unit. The doctors talked to his parents about his feeding and the fact that they could hear a heart murmur and more tests would be needed.

Ethan was transferred to Birmingham Children's Hospital where he was reviewed by one of their leading cardiologists.

Ethan was diagnosed with Transposition of the Great Arteries; which is where the connections to the main vessels feeding the body are reversed and oxygenated blood coming from the lungs does not get passed through the aorta but returns back to the lungs.

This results in the blood circulating the body not being oxygenated. Normally, babies born with Transposition of the Great Arteries require surgery within hours of birth but Ethan also had a large hole between the bottom two pumping chambers of his heart which was allowing some oxygenated blood to seep through the correct side and pump around the body.

This meant that along with close monitoring, Ethan could live a normal life until surgery was necessary.

Just after Ethan's third birthday, he underwent his first operation and recovered rapidly.

However, 8 days after the operation Ethan had two respiratory arrests and a cardiac arrest and despite the best efforts of the medical team, Ethan died that night.

Because of Ethan's sense of humour, happiness and courage and above, just being Ethan; his family and friends are determined to create a legacy to help other cardiac children across the UK.

They aim to raise funds to help the cardiac unit at Birmingham Children's Hospital and to support other Heart related charities. They also encourage and promote fundraising events in order to raise these funds.

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