Lagan's Foundation

Lagan's Foundation is the UK's first and only National Charity to provide support and at home care to families with babies and children under the age of 5 who are diagnosed with Congenital Heart Defects and/or feeding difficulties. Their charity number is 1143649.

They are supported by Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust - Cardiac and Gastroenterology Departments.

Lagan's Foundation was founded in memory of baby Lagan Grant who died just 15 weeks old on 26th April 2011. Lagan was born with a complex cardiac defect and had feeding issues and the charity was established by her parents who had first hand experience of the aims of the charity.

Lagan's Foundation are aiming to provide support at home to families by having someone to come in and make a cup of tea and have a chat or help with the child/ren.

They also offer a sensitive and caring bereavement service.

Contact Information:
01204 468300

07879 663304
