The Paediatric Cardiac Liaison Nurses have considerable experience in caring for children with complex cardiac conditions. They are there to offer parents advice, support and education in many different ways.
The Paediatric Cardiac Liaison Nurses at Southampton General Hospital (located on E1: Ocean Ward) are:
Gill Harte
Colette Cochran
If you need to contact them you can call them on: 02380 794 659 or you can bleep them via 02380 777 222 and bleep number: 2478.
If you need to contact the Adult Cardiac Liasion Nurses they are contactable on 07717 714 724 / 02380 794 739 or the bleep service is 02380 777 222 and bleep number 1479. You can also email them on
Lynda Tellett, Helena Francis and Mel Finch are the adult nurse specialists.